The McHale 991L range of linkage round bale wrappers is the first choice for farmers and contractors who are interested in wrapping bales at the storage site.
The 991L range of linkage round bale wrappers offers the perfect blend of tried and tested technology with solid construction and dependable performance.

Like all McHale round bale wrappers, the high output 991L range of linkage round bale wrappers will give you a tightly wrapped bale that increases feed quality and contains the natural juices for greater nutritional value, while giving increased environmental protection.

The 991LB linkage round bale wrapper is a manual machine where a series of four levers control the bale wrapping functions.

The 991LB linkage round bale wrapper is a manual machine where four individual levers control all wrapping functions. This 991LB round bale wrapper can be powered either from a tractor or an independent power pack. On the 991LB round bale wrapper the control valve can either be mounted beside the dispenser post or just outside the tractor cab.

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